Friday, October 30, 2020

How to Tell if Sunglasses are Polarized

Are your eyes sensitive to the light? Wearing polarized sunglasses offers an awesome and effective way to block-out the sun's glare. Sunglasses that are polarized also protect your eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays and untinted polarized lenses can even give you relief from blue light.

How Polarized Sunglasses Work

Polarized sunglasses block the glare of a reflective surface, like the sun, by filtering out the horizontal light waves. Glare is caused when a bundle of light bounces off an object, resulting in horizontal light waves that our eyes have trouble adjusting to. When sunglasses are polarized, only the verticle light waves are allowed into your eye. Vertical blinds use a similar concept to screen out horizontal lights but on a lesser level than polarized glasses do.

You may notice things are darker when wearing polarized sunglasses, but you'll still be able to see. You'll find when wearing your protective glasses, your vision is no longer as sensitive as they were without shades.

Wearing a pair of polarized sunglasses not only shades your eyes from the reflective glare of the sun but also gives you UV protection too. UV protection for your visual area is just as vital as sunscreen is for your skin.

Polarized lenses are also helpful in keeping out blue light that comes from computers, tablets, and televisions that can damage your vision and give you headaches too.

Who Needs Polarized Lenses?

Lenses that are polarized are beneficial for everyone. While regular sunshades shield some glare, polarized ones are by far the best at keeping the sun's glare in check. Also, when the lenses block horizontal lights, you know for sure they are keeping out harmful rays too.

Are Polarized Lenses Right For Me?

If you are wearing regular sunshades and are thinking of getting a new pair, going with a polarized version, you'd be making a wise decision. Shop around for a pair that fits well and offers the best shielding. They come in varying grades so it is to your advantage to shop for the best fit for you.

Putting Your Sunglasses to the Test

Maybe you just ran into a pair of sunglasses from last year or purchased a pair that didn't specify if what type they were. If so, you may be wondering how to tell if your sunglasses are polarized. Some sunglasses are tinted but that doesn't mean they're polarized. Knowing the difference can make a huge difference. Here are a few ways to check:

  1. While wearing the pair of sunglasses in question. pick one reflective object, like a shiny metal object. While tilting your head to the side so that it's at a 60 degree angle, look closely at the one object. Look to the left or right. Is there any change in the quality of the surface you see? If there is, your lenses are polarized.
  2. If you are wearing contact lenses, there's another step to take in determining if the sunglasses have polarized lenses or not. Take off your contacts and follow through with the step above if you feel that the sunglasses may be prescription lenses. Choose one reflective object and tilt your head 60 degrees. If there is no change, try a 90 degree angle. If the surface source you are observing changes, the sunglasses are treated with polarization. Please note that you will want only one of your lens, contacts or sunglasses, to be prescription polarized. Not both. Having the lens of both polarized in a prescription lens will make things look blurry at best. It may even be impossible to see out of them.

Tips on Polarized Sunglasses

Now that you have put the sunglasses to the test to see if they are polarized, here are some suggestions:

  • Polarized lenses are so beneficial to the health of your vision, it's a good idea to have two pairs of polarized sunshades. You can rotate one pair or even keep one of the shades in the car for backup and the best pair on you at all times.
  • If you only have one pair of polarized sunglasses, it would be your best bet to get a new pair so you have two. Having two pairs helps ensure you are never without protection because we all know how difficult it can be to keep up with sunglasses. When you need them the most, you can't find them.
  • If you wear corrective lenses, you can get sunglasses polarized and in a prescription that is the same as your glasses or contacts. You can get one eye in a different prescription than the other if need be, unlike if you get a set that is already in a prescription. Get a vision check first. That way you can make sure the new polarized sunshades are the right formulation for you.

Where to Find Polarized Sunglasses

At Shark Eyes, we've got our eye out for you. We are your one-stop-shop for polarized sunshades. With all rights reserved, you'll find a wide selection so you can choose the best fit in the fashion you like for your new polarized sunshades.

About Shark Eyes Polarized Sunglasses

We take great pride in being your go-to shop for all your needs. We offer LCD display versions, prescription types, and standard polarized sunshades and glasses as well. Be sure to shop with us when you want the most optimal in your optical products.

We are a wholesaler in the industry so you'll be able to save by buying polarized sunshades in bulk. We are here for you so never hesitate to get in touch with our friendly and helpful customer service department.

Our prices are rock bottom in order to allow you, the retailer, to make a nice profit while offering great bargains to your shoppers as well. It's a win-win all the way around!

We take the headache out of wholesale buying. We are committed to making your shopping experience pleasurable so feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Contact us today. You'll be glad you did! 

How to Keep Reading Glasses Handy

You might be surprised (or not) to learn that according to the Bureau of Accessory Statistics, United States citizens lose more pairs of glasses and sunglasses per individual than any other country. More than 1.6 billion pairs of glasses are lost annually earning them a top spot on the list of the most difficult things to keep up with. The statistics are clearly not good for America's vision.

The History of Reading Glasses

Reading glasses were invented in approximately 1000 AD. They were actually called reading stones because they were not much more than glass spheres placed onto the reading material in order to magnify it. It lets bends and allows light into the lens in order to perfect vision. Eyeglasses designed for wearing didn't come along until 1284 but when they did, they made a world of difference in because they were helpful to many who could not focus well without the use of corrective lenses. They must have felt as if they had finally seen the light. The frames were very rough back then as you have available today in every shape and size, like sunglasses.

How Glasses Work

Glasses for reading (also known as readers), help eye vision that is diminished due to presbyopia which is basically the inability to focus on objects that are up-close. The condition is commonly associated with the eye lens becoming rigid over time and thus affects many older individuals. The need for a reading prescription or non-prescription reading glasses is certainly not limited to the older generation, however. Some young children even need to wear glasses.

The lenses of reading glasses are designed to assist the lens of the eye when it makes contact with an object or reading material that is in close range. The glasses are convex, meaning they curve outward, so they cause things that are nearby to appear more clear.

Many individuals who use glasses don't require a special formulation as long as the readers are convex. In that case, they are able to buy ready-made readers such as those that you'll find in a drug store or one-stop-shop. Customers typically are able to choose a frame they are fond of and that fits best on them and compliment their face like they do when they shop for sunglasses. Frames come in many varieties like sunglasses too.

Look for glasses and sunglasses that frame your face and flatter your features. Shop for glasses (or sunglasses) that aren't too large if you have a small neck and face and aren't too small if your face is large. Check reviews before you shop so you see the frames that are available and choose the right one.

Sometimes individuals need an RX in order to reap the full benefits of reading glasses because their one eye or both eyes don't fit the general mold. With a professional exam, however, they are able to see great when they put on the finished product in a frame because it more accurately correlates the power of the glasses lense to the need of the lens of their eye.

The Problem with Readers

If you need glasses but you aren't wearing them because you don't know where they are and it's too inconvenient to search for them, they aren't going to help you much. You won't be able to see very well without them. Sometimes, it's even difficult to find them because you are wearing glasses. They could be right under your nose and you might still look right over them. That's definitely no good.

Life is hard when you can't focus great and your view is blurred. Your lens can become strained and you may acquire a headache, especially when exposed to the light. You need your readers where you can find them so you can make sure to wear them when you require them to see your best. You should be able to find them quickly without little effort so it doesn't take too long to locate them.

The Solution: Creative Ways to Keep Your Glasses Handy

Life is just a blur when you end up having to clean around the entire house just to find your glasses. You're going to love these simple, yet innovative, things you can do to help you stay up with your glasses:

  • When you use them to read during the day and finish what you are reading, lay your glasses in a certain spot.
  • You can get new readers on a neck chain that go around your neck so you won't misplace them and will always have them when you want them.
  • You can find a magnetic strip product that costs very little but still have your glasses in plain view when you are not using them. You may also be able to find a magnetic chain that fits around your neck too.
  • When you clean your readers, be sure to always return them back where they belong. You can also store your cleaning products near the central location that works best to keep your readers. This will make a lot of difference when you get to needing your spectacles.
  • If you lay your glasses down where it is light and in clear view, you will be better able to locate them in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Give your glasses a quick clean when you have them around your neck and if you set them in a new place, be sure to make a mental note.
  • When you are cleaning your home, if you notice your glasses are out of place, return them where they belong immediately.
  • You can shop for a frame that stands out so it's not too hard to locate when lost.
  • Get used to carrying your glasses around your neck for safekeeping.
  • Have multiple pairs of readers so you have one set in the places you go during the day and another pair (or two) for beside the bed and spots you frequent at night time. Secure your best pair in a case to prevent scratching them or having to be constantly cleaning them.
  • Get new lenses that are tinted for outdoors and have them put in a frame. Have them in a location so you'll be ready to grab them when you read or write outside.

Where to Shop for Glasses

When you shop for new readers, you'll want to visit the website or store to find discover what is offered. Not only do you want a pair that you experience great vision out of, but you'll also want to make sure you get a pair with a good, sturdy frame too. In fact, we have most any frame you can imagine in our vast selection. It's a good idea to shop in several spots so you can compare prices and styles. Be sure to read the reviews in full. You want a frame that lasts.

Reviews offer non-biased customer feedback. To get the full scope of the products, make sure the content of the review is not made up by the dot com site it is on by seeing if information about the glasses are found on other dot com sites too. Avoid sites that demand you to give your email address before visiting the site or try to force you to make a quick decision.

You may also locate a shop on Facebook or search other social media channels when people share or on a website for glasses, like a dot com.

Shark Eyes Reading Glasses

You'll love Shark Eyes when you're shopping for new reading glasses. Search no longer for a great wholesale shopping experience. View our wide assortment of products and cleaning supplies too.

We offer deep discounts on wholesale glasses and even have quick shipping too. Check our shipping prices for more details.

Contact customer service if you have any questions or While checking out our site, don't forget to visit us on Facebook!

Contact us today and let us make your wholesale experience awesome. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Comprehensive Look at Blue Light Blocking Glasses

As scientists are steadily discovering more about the potential negative effects blue light has on the human eyes, blue light blocking glasses are soaring in popularity.

Disturbed sleep cycles, digital eye strain, and concerns about permanent eye damage are all reasons individuals are turning to blue light blocking glasses. But, do they really work? And if they do, how do they work? Read on to find out all you need to know about what blue light blocking glasses do...and don’t do.

What is Blue Light?

Blue light is one of the colors in the light spectrum that is visible to the human eye. It is a short wavelength and therefore, it emits a high amount of energy.

Blue light is both natural and artificial. It is actually responsible for the sky being the color blue. In the days of old, the sole source of blue light was the sun. The introduction of technology has changed that though. Blue light wavelengths are everywhere now. It comes through LED and florescent lighting, television, smartphones, laptops, tablets, computers, gaming systems, and many other electronic devices.

What’s the problem with blue light? Because they are comprised of short wavelengths, they collide with molecules in the air. This process causes the blue light to scatter and disburse. In their natural form, blue light waves regulate our circadian rhythm which includes our bodies’ sleep and wake cycles.

Blue light has other natural jobs too. They boost our moods, elevate the amount of time it takes us to react to a situation, promotes alertness, and increases our sense of well-being. Artificial blue light, on the other hand, isn’t so beneficial.

The Lurking Dangers of Blue Light

Blue light exposure is known to have risks and negative effects. Being the highest energy emitting wavelength in the spectrum, it tends to flicker more readily and longer than any of its weaker counterparts.

The flickering of blue light wavelengths creates a glare which interferes with the way we see things. It distorts clarity, sharpness, and visual contrast. Physical and emotional fatigue, eye strain, headaches, confusion, and a slew of other problems are direct results of blue light exposure through electronics, lights, and various things we are around on a daily basis. This condition is often referred to as “computer vision syndrome”.

Because blue light is capable of penetrating straight to the inner lining that is in the back of the eye called the retina, cells that are sensitive to light can be damaged. The implications can range from mild to severe.

The statistics are not in our favor. According to the Vision Council, forty-three of all adults in the US have jobs which require them to spend an extended amount of time on a computer, tablet, or cell phone. Over 80% of American adults admit they spend time on a digital device within an hour of going to bed. More than half say they also are exposed to electronics during their first waking hour.

Blue light is especially concerning when it comes to the young. Seventy-four percent of teenagers (14-17 years of age) use electronics on a regular or occasional basis. A whopping 93% of all teens are able to access a computer. Even little kids are exposed to blue light. Seventy percent of American parents state their children spend over two hours behind an electronic screen every single day.

There are two different distinct types of damage that can take place due to blue light exposure. The first is caused by short but intense contact to blue light. The second has to do with longer, less intense exposure. Both types are responsible for serious implications not only to the eyes, but to many functions within our bodies.

Some people don’t even know they are affected by blue light wavelengths. All they know is that by the end of most days, their eyes are red and tired. Sometimes their eyes ache or they have a headache too. The Vision Council estimates that 200 million individuals in the United States suffer from Digital Eye Strain, or DES.

Exposure to blue light can turn into serious conditions too, like macular degeneration. Since blue light increases the production of ROS in the mitochondria of lens epithelial cells, it is suspected that it can cause the development of cataracts. It has also been speculated that blue light may play a role in contributing to cancer and diabetes.

Ongoing studies are finding even more concerning evidence on how blue light affects the health of our eyes. It has recently been discovered that blue light inhibits the eye axis’ growth and also damages the cavity it is housed in. The results of the continued investigations are scary, but real.

Fortunately, there are some measures we can take to reduce our exposure to blue light, such as:

  • Limiting screen time.
  • Setting your smart phone on night mode.
  • Avoiding florescent and LED light exposure when possible.
  • Blinking when sitting in front of an electronic screen for length of time.
  • Taking breaks from electronic devices.
  • Changing the background of your devices to a warmer, duller color.
  • Applying the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a break for 20 seconds to view something that is 20 feet away from you.
  • Reducing the amount of blue light that contacts your retina by way of blue light blocking glasses.

man using laptop

What are Blue Light Blocking Glasses?

Blue light blocking glasses have tinted lenses that feature anti-glare protection from what ophthalmologists call “high-energy visible light”, or “HEV”. Since these type of lenses reduce your exposure to blue light wavelengths, they reduce the harmful effects they can cause. Blue light glasses can also relieve and improve the symptoms associated with computer vision syndrome.

Are Blue Light Glasses Legit?

Many people trust their eyes to blue light blocking glasses. Others, however, don’t. Why is that? A good number of people aren’t aware that blue light glasses (computer glasses) really work. Others don’t know enough about blue light to even realize how harmful it is and are therefore oblivious to the symptoms they are being constantly bombarded with.

The fact of the matter is, yes. Blue light glasses really do work.

How Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light blocking glasses are able to absorb and block blue light. They can also sometimes cut out Ultraviolet (UV) light as well. They are able to do so by interfering with the transmission of the wavelengths that originate from the upper end of the blue light spectrum.

Anti-glare coating is often added to the lenses as a double defense. Some frames even have blue light blocking components in them for ultimate protection.

History of Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Eyeglasses date back to the Romans in the 13th century who set about to find a cure for faulty eyesight. Through experimenting with various materials, they discovered how to use glass to make small words larger, thus correcting many vision issues.

The Vision Council proclaims that about ¾ of all adults (over 188 million people) in the United States currently wear corrective lenses, either glasses or contacts. Many wear specialty lenses that have been added onto the scene throughout the years.

Blue light blocking glasses are one of the latest developments in eyeglass technology in the past century. They came about after studies of blue light were conducted. By wearing eye glasses that blocked blue light, melatonin levels increased, mental and physical energy were restored, and other symptoms of blue light exposure diminished.

The research spurred the introduction of what we now know as blue light blocking glasses which reduce the amount of blue light that reach the eyes. These special glasses are available in both prescription and non-prescription.

woman using laptop

The Proof is in the Pudding

According to Web MD, just a few years ago, in 2017, a study was conducted by the University of Houston to test whether or not blue light blocking glasses really helped reduce or eliminate sleep issues due to blue light exposure. The verdict was returned two weeks later that the glasses helped by an astounding 58%.

Harvard University has also been proactive in studies on blue light emission. In one study, it was determined that while all light can reduce the amount of melatonin production, blue light was especially bad about it and it was found that the suppression was worst at night. An experiment was conducted to compare blue light against green light, both of comparable strengths. It was concluded that blue light decreased melatonin for about two times as long as the green light did.

Building on the Harvard study, the University of Toronto set about to see if glasses could decrease or eliminate the amount of blue light that was coming into the body by way of the retina. The study found that indeed, glasses were able to solve the problem. While sunglasses or regular tinted lenses, worked to a degree, blue light blocking lenses obviously work even better.

A multitude of other tests have also proven that blue light blocking glasses and computer glasses are very effective for relief in many realms, both physical and mental. The best way to test them out is to try a pair for yourself though. You may not notice the results immediately, but then might.

Types and Styles of Blue Light Glasses

Who says blue light glasses have to be boring? They don’t! Blue light and computer glasses come in a myriad of top-fashions from some of the most popular brands in the world. You’ll find them in various tints, shapes, and sizes. You can get them with or without magnification strength. They come in all different price ranges too.

Another choice you have when it comes to blue light blocking glasses is the degree of blockage you desire. You’ll find a number of options that range from mild to moderate to extensive. Typically, the degree of blocking is reflected in the price of the glasses, but you can still find stellar deals on even the best blue light blocking glasses.

Even if you don’t need vision enhancement, have had surgery to correct your vision, or wear contact lenses, you can still wear blue light blocking glasses for the sole reason of shielding yourself from the destruction of blue light.

Seeing the Situation Clearly

There are already enough facts supporting the value of blue light blocking glasses even though the full spectrum of the damage is yet to be seen. As research continues to unveil the implications of the harmful effects of HEV, it’s good to know we have great options for protection.

The bottom line is that blue light blocking glasses are a smart choice for those who want to take care of their eyes in style and, who doesn’t?

Where to Buy

Take a look at our wholesale blue light blocking glasses here.



Harvard study and Toronto study

Study on blue light glasses.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Top 10 Wholesale Company Picks

Here’s a list of some of our favorites, both general and in niche industries:

1.Wholesale Central

Wholesale Central is a B2B directory that connects wholesale suppliers to retailers. Over 130,000 wholesale distributors of varying types host their services on the site. There is a super diverse line of products that can be found. They are also notorious for having rock-bottom prices, including their “deals and steals” section. The service is free and is easy to navigate. If you are looking for drop shippers, however, you may be a bit disappointed. Only 84 of the suppliers offer that type of service.

2. Alibaba

One of the most well-known and largest worldwide wholesale suppliers is Alibaba. The supplier connects B2B, C2C, and B2C marketplaces with an emphasis on international sales of Chinese goods of all varieties. Although there have been a number of complaints in communications and other areas, all in all, Alibaba helps millions of retailers attain their wares.

3. Shark Eyes 

Need glasses? Of course you do. Everyone needs glasses and sunglasses. That’s what makes selling them so smart. If you intend to sell reading glasses and/or sunglasses, Shark Eyes is the optimal “go-to” for wholesale services. You’ll find men’s, women’s, children’s, and unisex readers and sunshades for ultra-low prices. The many incentives this wholesaler offers, like pre-packaged and pre-priced products, are enticing. Shark Eyes’ customer service is unmatched.

4. Kole Imports 

Be Santa! What could be more fun than selling toys for a living? Kole Imports makes the dream possible. You’ll find incredibly low prices on the site. The quality of the merchandise isn’t always top-line, but at the ridiculously low price tag, you’ll definitely snag some bargains you can resale for cheap and still make a nice profit.

5. eSources

On this resource site, you can find more than 140,000 wholesale suppliers from countries like the USA, Germany, Italy, the UK, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Ireland, Canada, and more. Included in the service is unlimited free mobile hosting for e-commerce sites and stores. This is an excellent option for those who have niche products and who require dropship services. Checkout payments that are accepted include PayPal and Google, and the platform supports Facebook integration.

6. Tiger Claw

If you’re into selling Marital Arts, you can’t beat Tiger Claw for wholesale products. From uniforms to weapons and all MMA things in between, this company is easy to order from, and the prices are amazing too. They do offer drop-ship services.

7. Shoenet

Got a shoe obsession and need to make the funds to support it? Why not put your best foot forward and sell shoes? Shoenet makes it easy. Designed to set retailers up to succeed, Shoenet has an excellent selection and great prices too. On the website, you’ll find valuable information on opening your own online shoe store.

8. Global Sources

Another B2B, Global Sources, is a gathering site for wholesalers to make themselves available to retail sellers. You’ll be able to access a vast catalog of a wide diversity of wholesale goods hosted by a multitude of companies all over the world.

9. Amazon Business

Amazon Business makes buying wholesale quite simple. You’ll be able to access a host of wholesalers in one spot. Office supplies, restaurant equipment, toys, clothing, and practically everything else will be available at your fingertips on this site. Registering for an account is free.

10. Wholesale Book Distributor

Here’s a retail business you can feel really good about - selling books from Wholesale Book Distributor. Pick a genre or sell them all; it’s your choice with this wholesale supplier. You’ll enjoy up to 55% off retail price with 3 million titles to choose from. The company has a requirement of 25 copies per title and a $100 minimum purchase per order.

How Do I Find Wholesale Suppliers? 25 Tips to Successfully Supply Your Sales Stock

It’s a common question business owners ask - “How do I find wholesale suppliers?” If the task of finding a wholesale supplier seems like a “no brainer,” you’ve not tried it before. It can be a daunting task. These tips will help you find and successfully utilize wholesale suppliers for your wholesale business.

What is a Wholesale Supplier?

Wholesale suppliers buy and sell products in bulk. They purchase the items from the manufactures. Then the wholesale suppliers sell those goods to stores, shops, online retailers, and other businesses that turn around and sell the products for a profit.

Because wholesale suppliers purchase products in high volume directly from the makers, they can do so at a considerable discount. Therefore, they can resale the goods so cheap; small businesses can turn around and make money off the items.

Wholesale companies rarely operate out of brick-and-mortar stores. Instead, they typically simply “supply” their customer’s wholesale needs by connecting product manufacturers with sellers. This service renders them priceless to those who are in the retail industry.

The Challenges of Finding Wholesale Suppliers

The most common method people use to find any information these days is by conducting a google search. While in itself, that is not difficult at all to do, the onslaught of results can be overwhelming.

Not all wholesale suppliers are created equally. There are excellent services, and there are snakes. Sifting through all the wholesale companies takes time and a bit of knowledge. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you very well may get burned. Check out the suggestions below so you’ll be a step ahead when conducting your search:

Top 25 Tips for Finding Wholesale Suppliers

1. Trust

If the wholesale company you are considering isn’t reliable, there’s no need to look any further at it. Prices, products, and delivery time don’t matter if there’s a good chance you’ll never actually get the goods. How do you find a trustworthy wholesale supplier? Although no plan is foolproof, you can start by checking out a few things, like their online presence, length of time in business, references, reviews that are not within their control to manipulate, and any licenses or accreditation they may possess.

2. Dependability

Just because a wholesale company passes the test of being trustworthy doesn’t mean you can depend on them. Even the most honest supplier can run into snags - like getting your products to you on time. It doesn’t also have to be their fault for their lack of reliance to shake your own sales business upside down. An undependable wholesale supplier can quickly put you right out of business. Be sure to see what a company’s past and present customers have to say about the manner in which they deliver. Take any complaints to heart.

3. Reputation matters 

Reputation goes beyond trust and dependability. It delves down deep to determine what a company is truly about. Dealing with a well-established company has its perks. Companies get good reputations for a reason. They earn them. They stand to lose a lot if they don’t deliver the excellence their clients are used to. Besides, you are more likely to attract customers when they find you deal with a wholesale supplier they have heard of.

4. Note the niche

The type of product or products you sell will make a huge difference in what options you have for a supplier. The more defined your niche is, the less you’ll have to choose from.Don’t let that detour you from insisting on finding the best wholesaler possible, though.

5. Probe into their price point 

Look for wholesalers who offer solid, fair prices. Beware of those whose prices look “too good to be true.” They probably are. If the products tend to be a little overpriced, research to see if perhaps there’s a good reason - like excellent quality or if their count might include more than the ones you are comparing them with.

6. Distribution

Distribution is the manner in which a product reaches you from the manufacturer by way of the middleman or wholesale supplier.The four main channels goods are distributed through are manufacturer access, a delivery person, regional distributor, import. If you can buy wholesale directly from the wholesaler, you’ll save money by cutting out paying for middleman fees. Some goods are only available from wholesale import suppliers and those who have the right to wholesale within the region.

7. Buy in bulk

Buying wholesale is, by definition, purchasing in bulk. The more you buy at one time, however, can greatly determine your buying price. Consider purchasing a lesser quantity initially, until you get your business rolling. Then, bump the quantity up, so you spend less and make more profit.

8. Shipping prices

Shipping prices can make or break the ultimate bargain you are, or aren’t, getting on wholesale buying your products. You may be getting them dirt cheap, but if you are paying sky-high shipping fees, you aren’t getting a very good deal after all. Take handling fees into consideration too.Don’t forget to figure out the all-important unit price.

9. Shipping modes

Wholesale products are delivered in various modes. Some come by train, others by plane, and still others come by ship. The shipping mode will impact the price you pay and the speed in which you receive your goods as well.

10. Shipping methods

Some wholesale companies deliver straight to your doorstep. Others require you to pick your goods up. There are also those who will ship products to your customers. Those companies are called “drop shippers.” When choosing a drop-ship wholesaler, you’ll need to be very careful. Everything they do or don’t do will reflect on you since they will be delivering straight to your customers.

11. Size of the wholesale business

Some wholesale suppliers are tiny, while others are large, worldwide corporations. There are advantages to both. Small companies tend to be more personal. You’ll often get more individualized attention, especially if you have an issue or a question or concern. But, dealing with small companies comes with risks too. They are more likely to go out of business. Larger, more established companies don’t pose as high of a risk for going out of business, but you may not be as important to them. They have plenty of customers and can easily do without your business. You might consider choosing one that’s a happy medium.

12. Stock

The size of stock a wholesale supplier generally keeps is a very important factor to consider.If you have narrowed down your choice to a specific wholesaler, but see they don’t have the amount of stock you will require, you might try talking to them. They may be willing to vamp up their supply if they are sure you’ll be buying the extra.

13. Quality of products

One of the main criteria you should investigate is the quality of the products in question. If your products are cheap, you’ll not be in business long. Their products become YOUR products. You will be held responsible for them.

14. Samples

The only real way to find out about a product is to request a sample. Even if you have to pay for it, it’s a wise move. Examine the product with a fine-tooth comb. Check out how durable it is. Visualize how your customers will see it. Take into consideration the vibrancy of the colors and overall look and feel of it. There’s nothing that can replace the value of acquiring a sample or box of samples.

15. Geographical service

As you begin to seriously set apart wholesale companies that are of interest to you, be sure they service your geographical location. Especially if you are in a rural area, not all companies will deliver to you. If not, you may entertain the thought of going to them. That may or may not be practical, though.

16. Ease of doing business with. Some companies are a joy to do business with. 

They cheerfully help you place your order, deal immediately with any concerns or problems, and deliver their goods on time and in perfect condition. Customer reviews and feedback will give you an idea of how pleasant the company is to deal with. You’ll never really know until you actually deal with them, though. It’s important to note that if at any time you become dissatisfied with your wholesale supplier, you have the right to take your business elsewhere. Never sign anything that denies you that right.

17. Added incentives

Does the wholesale supplier offer any extras when you order? Some include racks to sell the goods on, free products, and other great incentives that can really add up. Even if none are outright offered, there’s nothing that says you can’t ask for perks.

18. Guarantees

What happens if your products arrive damaged? What happens if they don’t arrive at all? Is there a guarantee that holds after you sell the products to your customers? Check out all guarantees and make sure they are binding and in writing.

19. Communication

You may have the perfect wholesaler picked. But, when you make an inquiry, there’s a definite language barrier. Or, you may have difficulty in understanding their outline concerning their services or descriptions of their products. International dealings in wholesale are popular and are often very profitable. But, you must be sure that any language barriers can be resolved and that communication, both verbal and written, can flow smoothly.

20. Rules and regulations

If you think once the product you’ve purchased from a wholesale organization hits your hands, it’s entirely up to you what you do with it, think again.Because you are representing someone else’s product, you may encounter some stipulations. Know before you make the purchase.

21. Selling platforms

There are a number of products that cannot be sold on certain platforms, like Amazon, eBay, etc. The rules may be set into place by the platform powers that be, or by the manufacturer and/or wholesale suppliers. Be sure to check before making your purchase, so you don’t get stuck out.

22. Special requirements

Some wholesaler suppliers have special requirements that you, the wholesale buyer, must meet. You may be required to purchase a given amount over a set period of time.Such requirements can wreak havoc on your company’s budget if you are not prepared or set up to comply. It is not uncommon for wholesale companies to require a minimum purchase, so check for that while you’re at it.

23. Advertising

Believe it or not, some wholesale companies have advertising protocols.One company may insist that you advertise in a certain manner while another may restrict you from advertising altogether.Read the fine print to find out how advertising applies to the product.

24. Sifting out

Now it’s time to weed out the good from the bad. Then, select your ultimate favorites from the list. Make pro and con points on each and narrow your choices down to the supplier you feel is head and shoulders above the rest.

25. Making contact

After carefully considering all the tips above, it’s time to make a move. Having done your homework, select the wholesale supply company of your choice. Contact the person in charge. If at any time, any one of the team members is less than courteous and helpful, that should be a big red flag. If all goes well, congratulations! You are one step closer to actually being in business.

According to the statistic website, Statista, Retail sales accounts in the US alone rang in at 5.46 trillion dollars last year and are projected to reach up to 5.99 trillion by 2023. If you are jumping in to get your piece of the action, with these tips and resources, your chance on succeeding will no doubt be multiplied.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

5 Hot Trends in Women’s Sunglasses for 2020

The ice is slowly melting - a reminder to us all that summer is just around the corner. Along with shorts, tank tops, and sandals, sunglasses are in sight! Of course, sunglasses aren’t just for summer. They’re a fashion statement and sun shield year-round.

Find out what summer sunglasses fashions are expected to be top hits and which celebrities are wearing them. 

1. Cat Eye Frames

Meow! Women love their cat-eye sunglasses. This kind of frame follows the brow line but features an upsweep at the outer edge.

Cat-eye frames hit the scene in the 50s and were still wildly popular in the 60s. Women could be seen sporting frisky cat eyes along with beehive hairdos. The fact that they are retro makes them even more attractive. Some things never really go out of style.

While the feline frame frenzy tapered off to give way to “bug-eye frames” that stole the show in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, they are definitely in style again and are purrrfect for the summer to come.

Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor wore cat-eye styles “back in the day.” Check out these classy celebs in their cat eyes today!

We offer these  cat-eye style frames from Dazey Shades:

We’ve got other types of cat-eye style sunglasses & readers here.

2. Shield Sunglasses

For protection and fashion, stylish women turn to shield style sunglasses. Shield sunglasses stretch continually across the face, which actually promotes peripheral vision and enhances the perception of depth.

The lenses are typically polarized, making them superb for activities in the summer sun like sailing and water skiing and are great to wear in the winter to protect against the snow’s glare.

Shield sunglasses come in a myriad of options in styles, shapes, and sizes. You’ll find the shielding lenses in plenty of colors too, from ocean blue to black and even brown. Shield shades are going to be seen everywhere this summer!

We’ve got some great shield sunglasses in stock now:

3. Oversized Frames

In the 80s, everyone liked to do things in a big way. Sunglasses were no exception. Oversized frames are excellent for extreme shading. If your eyes are super sensitive to the sun, or if you spend a lot of time in the sun, Oversized frames are a great choice.

Often seen in bright colors with bright colored lenses to match (or not match), Oversized frames were once all the rage. Singer Elton John was never caught without his on.

Guess what? Oversized frames are back, and they’re bigger than ever this year. You’ll find them in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

Take a look at these Dazey Shades Oversized Frame sunglasses:

4. Aviator / Bridge on Top Frames

Just as the name implies, bridge on top frames have...well, the bridge of the frames on top. Aviator-style frames use this type of design.

While this style of shades has been around for a good long time, there are some new spins on them this year, making them one of the most trending sunglasses right now and for the summer to come.

While most sunglasses have a bridge over the nose only, bridge on top frames have an upper edge on comfort and on style, and they’ll be out in full force this summer.

These are some of our best women’s aviator styles:



5. Brown Lenses

Brown lenses are ideal because they have a dark enough tint to block out the sun’s glare and also reduce eye-strain. Brown lenses don’t distort colors as much as black ones do.

Lenses with some red in the tint, such as Brown and Amber Lenses are great for improving depth perception. That means they’re fantastic to wear when you are going to be driving, playing sports, or engaged in an activity that requires you to judge distance. And...brown lenses will be really rockin’ this summer.

Here is one of our best styles with brown lenses:

Grade the Shade

Sunglasses are designed to do more than just make you look cool. Exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can ruin your eyesight and cause a multitude of health issues. Too much ultraviolet (UV) rays may lead to macular degeneration, cataracts, pterygia, pingueculae, and photokeratitis.

Not all sun shades provide protection from UV light. Most do, however - some more than others. For the maximum protection that’s available, choose a pair that has a high grade of UV blockage. The price of your sunglasses doesn’t denote the extent of their protection. So, be sure to check out the actual rating.

You’ll want to go with a pair that blocks out UVB rays too. Sunglasses that wrap around or that are large will shield better than smaller shades. 

Shaping up with Summer Sunglasses

Summer will be here before you know it. It’s not too early to start thinking about what kind of sunglasses your customers will be wearing when it arrives. In fact, it’s not too early to go ahead and stock up.

Here are some things to consider regarding choosing the right sunglasses. We’ve also written an article on how to select sunglasses and about the different parts of sunglasses:

  • Be sure the shape of your shades compliments your face. Round frames are good pics for square-shaped faces. Square and rectangle-shaped sunglasses offset round and oblong faces.
  • Match up your shades with your lifestyle, the activities you like to do, and your wardrobe (color, style, etc.)
  • The size of your sunglasses should coordinate with the size of your face. If your face and your facial features are small, you don’t want to overshadow them by going with large frames.
  • Sometimes, you just want to toss out all the rules and have a blast. If that’s the case, just do it!

Oh, and one more thing...there’s nothing that says you can’t have two pairs of sunglasses...or three...or... Then, you can choose the pair that best fits what you’re wearing and what you are doing every single day of the summer.

This summer’s line-up for trending sunglasses is a mix of retro, sophistication, and playfulness.

Get on out there and enjoy the fun. Reach for the sun...and the sunglasses too.

Friday, February 28, 2020

5 Hot Trends in Women’s Sunglasses for 2020

The ice is slowly melting - a reminder to us all that summer is just around the corner. Along with shorts, tank tops, and sandals, sunglasses are in sight! Of course, sunglasses aren’t just for summer. They’re a fashion statement and sun shield year-round.

Find out what summer sunglasses fashions are expected to be top hits and which celebrities are wearing them. 

1. Cat Eye Frames

Meow! Women love their cat-eye sunglasses. This kind of frame follows the brow line but features an upsweep at the outer edge.

Cat-eye frames hit the scene in the 50s and were still wildly popular in the 60s. Women could be seen sporting frisky cat eyes along with beehive hairdos. The fact that they are retro makes them even more attractive. Some things never really go out of style.

While the feline frame frenzy tapered off to give way to “bug-eye frames” that stole the show in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, they are definitely in style again and are purrrfect for the summer to come.

Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor wore cat-eye styles “back in the day.” Check out these classy celebs in their cat eyes today!

We offer these  cat-eye style frames from Dazey Shades:

We’ve got other types of cat-eye style sunglasses & readers here.

2. Shield Sunglasses

For protection and fashion, stylish women turn to shield style sunglasses. Shield sunglasses stretch continually across the face, which actually promotes peripheral vision and enhances the perception of depth.

The lenses are typically polarized, making them superb for activities in the summer sun like sailing and water skiing and are great to wear in the winter to protect against the snow’s glare.

Shield sunglasses come in a myriad of options in styles, shapes, and sizes. You’ll find the shielding lenses in plenty of colors too, from ocean blue to black and even brown. Shield shades are going to be seen everywhere this summer!

We’ve got some great shield sunglasses in stock now:

3. Oversized Frames

In the 80s, everyone liked to do things in a big way. Sunglasses were no exception. Oversized frames are excellent for extreme shading. If your eyes are super sensitive to the sun, or if you spend a lot of time in the sun, Oversized frames are a great choice.

Often seen in bright colors with bright colored lenses to match (or not match), Oversized frames were once all the rage. Singer Elton John was never caught without his on.

Guess what? Oversized frames are back, and they’re bigger than ever this year. You’ll find them in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

Take a look at these Dazey Shades Oversized Frame sunglasses:

4. Aviator / Bridge on Top Frames

Just as the name implies, bridge on top frames have...well, the bridge of the frames on top. Aviator-style frames use this type of design.

While this style of shades has been around for a good long time, there are some new spins on them this year, making them one of the most trending sunglasses right now and for the summer to come.

While most sunglasses have a bridge over the nose only, bridge on top frames have an upper edge on comfort and on style, and they’ll be out in full force this summer.

These are some of our best women’s aviator styles:



5. Brown Lenses

Brown lenses are ideal because they have a dark enough tint to block out the sun’s glare and also reduce eye-strain. Brown lenses don’t distort colors as much as black ones do.

Lenses with some red in the tint, such as Brown and Amber Lenses are great for improving depth perception. That means they’re fantastic to wear when you are going to be driving, playing sports, or engaged in an activity that requires you to judge distance. And...brown lenses will be really rockin’ this summer.

Here is one of our best styles with brown lenses:

Grade the Shade

Sunglasses are designed to do more than just make you look cool. Exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can ruin your eyesight and cause a multitude of health issues. Too much ultraviolet (UV) rays may lead to macular degeneration, cataracts, pterygia, pingueculae, and photokeratitis.

Not all sun shades provide protection from UV light. Most do, however - some more than others. For the maximum protection that’s available, choose a pair that has a high grade of UV blockage. The price of your sunglasses doesn’t denote the extent of their protection. So, be sure to check out the actual rating.

You’ll want to go with a pair that blocks out UVB rays too. Sunglasses that wrap around or that are large will shield better than smaller shades. 

Shaping up with Summer Sunglasses

Summer will be here before you know it. It’s not too early to start thinking about what kind of sunglasses your customers will be wearing when it arrives. In fact, it’s not too early to go ahead and stock up.

Here are some things to consider regarding choosing the right sunglasses. We’ve also written an article on how to select sunglasses and about the different parts of sunglasses:

  • Be sure the shape of your shades compliments your face. Round frames are good pics for square-shaped faces. Square and rectangle-shaped sunglasses offset round and oblong faces.
  • Match up your shades with your lifestyle, the activities you like to do, and your wardrobe (color, style, etc.)
  • The size of your sunglasses should coordinate with the size of your face. If your face and your facial features are small, you don’t want to overshadow them by going with large frames.
  • Sometimes, you just want to toss out all the rules and have a blast. If that’s the case, just do it!

Oh, and one more thing...there’s nothing that says you can’t have two pairs of sunglasses...or three...or... Then, you can choose the pair that best fits what you’re wearing and what you are doing every single day of the summer.

This summer’s line-up for trending sunglasses is a mix of retro, sophistication, and playfulness.

Get on out there and enjoy the fun. Reach for the sun...and the sunglasses too.